Vmou MAEG 2020-21 Assignment

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MAEG -01 से लेकर MAEG -04

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नीचे आपको MAEG -05 से लेकर MAEG -11 तक के ASSIGMENTS के प्रश्न और उत्तर दोनों दिए जा रहे है ,

और कुछ प्रश्न अगर रह गए है उनके उत्तर भी जल्द मिल जाएंगे, 

यहां पर कुछ कुछ कोड के SOLVED ASSIGMENTS PDF में भी दिया गया है तो , पोस्ट को नीचे तक ठीक से देखें …

 Principles of Criticism 

Paper MAEG-05 

 Max Marks: 20 

Note: The Internal Assignment has been divided into three sections A, B, and C. 

Write Answer as per the given instruction. 

Section A 

(Very Short Answer Type Questions) 

Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit 

your answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each 

question carries 1mark. 


Q1 i. Give Aristotle’s definition of tragedy. 

Answer -: According to Aristotle, ‘Tragedy is an imitation of an action that is serious, complete and of a certain magnitude; in language embellished with each kind of artistic ornament, the several kinds being found in separate parts of the play, in the play in the form of action, not of narrative through pity and fear effecting the proper katharsis or purgation of these emotion’.

Ii What is the relationship between the past and the present in the context of literary tradition? 

Ans -: When a new work of art is created, it is really new and original, the whole literary

tradition is modified though ever so slightly. The relationship between the past and the present

is not one – sided; it is a reciprocal relationship. The past directs the present, and is itself

modified and altered by the present.

iii How, according to Eliot, can a writer achieve impersonality? 

Ans-: impersonality can be achieved only when the poet surrenders

himself completely to the work that is to be done. And the poet can know what is to be done,

only if he acquires a sense of tradition, the historic sense, which makes, him conscious, not

only of the present, but also of the present moment of the past, not only of what is dead, but of

what is already living.

Iv What is F.R. Leavis’s idea of criticism? 

Ans-: Leavis has certainly proved his importance as a literary critic and further emerged as

a “publicist” for the idea of criticism. Thus he has paved the way for literary criticism to get

firmly rooted in the academic world.


(Short Answer Questions) 

Note: Answer any 2 questions. Each answer should not exceed 100 

words. Each question carries 4 marks. 


vmou_kota_university … Students Group 6000+ Members

2 Elucidate the term ‘Vakrokti’.

Ans-: The word ‘vakrokti’ consists of two components — ‘vakra’

and ‘ukti’— the first of which means ‘crooked, indirect or unique’ and the second means

‘expression or speech’. Thus the literal meaning of vakrokti is ‘crooked or indirect speech’.

Vakrokti (obliquity) is a concept of Sanskrit poetics for making an assessment of

kâvya (literature). Though all the Sanskrit âcâryas like Bharata, Bhâmaha, Dandin, Vâman,

Rudrata, Ânandavardhana, Abhinavagupta, Bhoja, Râjaœekhara and others dealt with vakrokti,

it was Âcârya Kuntaka who elevated this concept to a full-fledged theory in his treatise

Vakroktijîvitam written in the first half of the eleventh century for the purpose of making an

assessment of kâvya (literature) In modern vocabulary vakrokti has been translated as obliquity. The earliest use of vakrokti is discernible in Atharvaveda and Agnipurana in which it is used in the sense of crookedness. Later the Sanskrit poets used vakrokti in their own ways. 

3 Who is fit to be a tragic hero according to Aristotle? Elaborate.

Answer -: description of the ideal tragic hero in Ch. XIII. The qualities requisite to such a character are here deduced from the primary fact that the function of tragedy is to produce the katharsis of pity and fear; pity being felt for a person who, if not wholly innocent, meets with suffering beyond his deserts; fear being awakened when the sufferer is a man of like nature with ourselves. Tragic character must be exhibited through the medium

of a plot which has the capacity of giving full satisfaction to these emotions. Certain types,

therefore, of character and certain forms of catastrophe are at once excluded, as failing either

in whole or in part to produce the tragic effect. Aristotle designates the following qualities of a

tragic hero.

4 What does Coleridge say about Wordswoth’s views about diction?

5 What does Arnold say about Christianity in Culture and Anarchy?

Section ‘C’ 

(Long Answer Questions) 

Note: Answer any one question. You have to delimit your each answer 

maximum up to 500 words. Each question carries 08 marks. 


vmou_kota_university … Students Group 6000+ Members

6 Elaborate Kuntaka’s concept of ‘Prakarana-Vakrata’ in detail. 

Ans-: prakarana-vakratâ (episodic

obliquity) and prabandha- vakratâ (compositional obliquity). The second chapter takes up

for detailed consideration the first three varieties of vakrokti . In the third chapter is dealt with

vâkya-vakratâ (sentential obliquity), and in the fourth prakarana-vakratâ (episodic obliquity)

and prabandha- vakratâ (compositional obliquity) In this way, vakrokti comes to embrace

the entire gamut of the poetic art. This division, which starts with the unique use of phonemes

or syllables and ends up with the handling or managing of the composition as a whole, ascertains

that Kuntaka’s approach to poetry is very minute and scientific.

This vakratâ deals with the oblique use of prakarana (episode). Kuntaka says that

when the intended object is capable of maintaining suspense all along and is the product of the

unique, boundless poetic skill underlying it, we have prakarana -vakratâ (episodic obliquity).

Here he means to say is that the writer, overwhelmed with the zest of creation, creates an

alluring charm in the subject – matter. According to him, this very charm is nothing but prakarana

-vakratâ. He describes the following nine sub-varieties of this vakrata : bhâvapûrnasthiti

vakratâ (obliquity of emotional states), utapâdya lâvanya vakratâ (obliquity of modified

source story), prakarana upakârya-upakâraka bhâva vakratâ (obliquity of episodic

relationship), viœismha prakarna vakratâ (obliquity of particular event and episode) , angirasa

nisyandanikasa vakratâ (obliquity of dominant rasa), apradhâna prasanga vakratâ

(obliquity of secondary episodes), prakaranâtara vakratâ (obliquity of play within play),

sandhi viniveœa vakratâ (obliquity of juncture)

7 “Plot is the soul of tragedy”, Aristotle says. Discuss this statement. 

8 Wordsworth and Coleridge do some original thinking about the 

nature and of poetic creation. Expound your views about it.

Victorian Age

Paper MAEG-06  ( Answers will update soon..)

Max Marks: 20

Note: The Internal Assignment has been divided into three sections A, B, and C.

Write Answer as per the given instruction.

Section A

(Very Short Answer Type Questions)

Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit

your answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each

question carries 1mark.


1 i. What is pathetic fallacy?

Ii Give the names of any four of Hardy’s novels.

Iii Who narrates the story of the voyage of the Hispaniola to the

Treasure Island?

Iv Who is the author of “On Translating Homer” and what does

he emphasize in it?


(Short Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any 2 questions. Each answer should not exceed 100 words.

Each question carries 4 marks.


2 What is dramatic monologue?

3 What are the qualities of ‘Andrea Del Sarto’?

4 Why does Romney Leigh not approve of Aurora Leigh’s decision

to become a poet?

5 Write a note on realistic elements in ‘Wuthering Heights’

Section ‘C’

(Long Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any one question. You have to delimit your each answer

maximum up to 500 words. Each question carries 08 marks.


6 Comment on the different aspects of characterization of George


7 Dickens novels are a reflection of life. Elaborate statement with

illustrations from text.

8 Critically analyze ‘Silas Marner’ as a concrete work of transition

with a special mention of his symbolic technique.

Twentieth Century Literature

Paper MAEG-07 ( Answers will update soon..)

Max Marks: 20

Note: The Internal Assignment has been divided into three sections A, B, and C.

Write Answer as per the given instruction.

Section A

(Very Short Answer Type Questions)

Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit

your answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each

question carries 1mark.


1 i) What is ‘stream of consciousness technique ‘?

ii) What are the main themes of the novel “A Portrait of the Artist

as a Young Man”?

iii) “Sons and Lovers” is a record of which contemporary life.


iv) What do you understand by ‘in the gold mosaic’ with reference

to the poem ‘Sailing to Byzantium”?


(Short Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any 2 questions. Each answer should not exceed 100 words.

Each question carries 4 marks.


2 Is ‘The Play Boy of the Western World’ a comedy on a tragedy? Give

your opinion.

3 What is the significance of the bears and squirrels game in ‘Look Back in


4 Describe in brief the relationship between Vladimir and Estragon.

5 What is stream of consciousness technique? Illustrate it with reference to

Virginia Woolf’s novel, ‘Mrs. Dalloway’?

Section ‘C’

(Long Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any one question. You have to delimit your each answer

maximum up to 500 words. Each question carries 08 marks.


6 Critically examine Stephen’s view about the relationship between truth

and beauty in ‘ A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’.

7 Huxley ridicules the emerging scientific utopia in “Brave New World”.


8 Give a critical summary of “The Bread I Break”.

Indian Writings in English &in Translation

Paper MAEG-08 ( Download Answers In Pdf , Link is Below) 


Max Marks: 20

Note: The Internal Assignment has been divided into three sections A, B, and

C.Write Answer as per the given instruction.

Section A

(Very Short Answer Type Questions)

Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit

your answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each

questioncarries1mark. 4×1=04

1 i. Who narrates the story in the novel Kanthapura?

ii What kind of relationship is there between Dharma and his wife in the

novel “Voices in the City”?

iii. What does Mahesh Dattani try to evoke through his play “Final


iv. Mention the three parts of the story in the play Abhijnanashakuntalam”.


(Short Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any 2 questions. Each answer should not exceed 100 words.

Eachquestioncarries4marks. 4×4=08

2 Critically explore the evolution of the character Raju in the novel

“The Guide” by R.K.Narayan.

3 Critically examine the use of imagery in the poem “Palanquin

Bearers” written by Sarojini Naidu

4 Discuss the theme of social economic deprivation and the

exploitation of the village poor with reference to the novel

“Godan” by Premchand.

5 In what way has Mahashweta Devi documented her own time and

history in a moving narrative “Mother of 1084”.

Section ‘C’

(Long Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any one question. You have to delimit your each answer

maximum up to 500 words. Each question carries 08 marks. 1×8=08

6 Illustrate critically the feminine sensibility and diversity of moods in

given socio – cultural situations with reference to the poem of Kamala Das.

7 Discuss Shashi Deshpande’s feminism in the novel “The Dark Holds


8 Investigate and discuss the aptness of the statement –‘Women of

Samskara are stereotypical and non –autonomous characters who have

internalized and adjusted to the patriarchal moves.’

Postcolonial Literature

(Optional Paper)

Paper MAEG-09

Max Marks: 20

Note: The Internal Assignment has been divided into three sections A, B, and C.

Write Answer as per the given instruction.

Section A

(Very Short Answer Type Questions)

Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit

your answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each

question carries 1mark.


1 i. What does ‘Exile’ refer to in the Parthasarthy’s poem?

ii. What message does Judith Wright convey in the poem “Nigger’s

Leap, New England”?

iii. What does Chatterjee say about Anticolonial nationalism?

iv. State the three ways in which nation is imagined by Benedict

Anderson in “Imagined Communities”?


(Short Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any 2 questions. Each answer should not exceed 100 words.

Each question carries 4 marks.


2 Summarize Mukherjee’s discussion on multiple identities.

3 What are Naipaul’s view about Gandhi and his followers?

4 Caste is an overriding concern in the story “My Four Enemies”. Discuss.

5 “The Diaspora in Indian Culture” makes an important contribution to

Diaspora criticism. Comment.

Section ‘C’

(Long Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any one question. You have to delimit your each answer

maximum up to 500 words. Each question carries 08 marks. 1×8=08

6 Richard Ntiru’s success lay in his ability to examine sensitive African issues

from new perspective.Discuss.


7 Discuss the significance of the title of the essay “Whose Imagined

Community” by Partha Chatterjee.

8 Critically analyze the themes and issues raised in “My Four Enemies”.

American Literature

(Optional Paper)

Paper MAEG-10

Max Marks: 20

Note: The Internal Assignment has been divided into three sections A, B, and C.

Write Answer as per the given instruction.

Section A

(Very Short Answer Type Questions)

Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit

your answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each

question carries 1mark.


1 i. What image of women characters does emerge in the story Vitamins.

ii. Why is The Glass Menagerie called a ‘memory play’?

iii. Point out any four symbols used by Robert Frost.

iv. Briefly comment on Huck’s essential humanitarian concerns.


(Short Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any 2 questions. Each answer should not exceed 100 words.

Each question carries 4 marks.


2 Attempt a character sketch of Hester Prynne.

3 Examine Death of a Salesman as an artistic rendering of the failure of

American Dream.

4 Critically examine the issue of ‘hybrid existence’ as it comes up in The Bluest


5 “Emily Dickinson’s poetry is a unique blend of romantic and realistic streaks.”

Critically examine the statement.

Section ‘C’

(Long Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any one question. You have to delimit your each answer

maximum up to 500 words. Each question carries 08 marks.


6 Discuss Whitman’s use of ‘leaf’ as a symbol of a common man in democracy.

7 Write a full-length note on the importance of ‘self-trust’ as brought out in ‘The

American Scholar’ by Emerson.

8 Why is Laura obsessed with her ‘supposed inferiority’? How does it influence

her ‘chances’ to live in life?

Canadian Literature

(Optional Paper)

Paper MAEG-11  ( Answers will update soon..)

Max Marks: 20

Note: The Internal Assignment has been divided into three sections A, B, and C.

Write Answer as per the given instruction.

Section A

(Very Short Answer Type Questions)

Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit

your answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each

question carries 1mark.


1 i. Who is the writer of ‘Dorcord born out of war between man and man’?

ii. Who has called Canadian poets as puppets?

iii. Who wrote ‘Laurentian Shield’?

iv. What is Garrison mentality?


(Short Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any 2 questions. Each answer should not exceed 100 words.

Each question carries 4 marks.


2 Throw light on the husband –wife relationship in The Fire Dwellers.

3 ’Son must Die’ play is written against the backdrop of Kashmir and

Indo-Pak war. Discuss.

4 ‘The Forever Bananyan Tree’ is Uma Parameswaran’s novella.


5 Discuss the central theme of Mistry’s novel ‘ Such a long Journey’.

Section ‘C’

(Long Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any one question. You have to delimit your each answer

maximum up to 500 words. Each question carries 08 marks.


6 Discuss the poetic style of F.R.Scott’s poems referring to those

prescribed for you.

7 Discuss death in ‘Come away Death’ by E J D Pratt.

8 Discuss critically Alice Munro’s ‘Who Do You Think You Are’ novel.

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