25 Most Commonly Misspelled Words asked in DSSSB

TOP 25 Spellings , Asked in DSSSB

  1. Ignorance
  2. Cannibal
  3. Gauge
  4. Inoculate
  5. Hierarchy
  6. Correspondence
  7. Adherence
  8. Coherence
  9. Avaricious
  10. Vacuum
  11. Lieutenant .
  12. Commission
  13. Immediately
  14. Chauffeur शोफर ( A person hired for driving a car.) 15.
  15. Beginning
  16. Government
  17. Cynic
  18. Bibliophile ( Lover Of Books )
  19. Fastidious ( A person difficult to please)
  20. Until
  21. Alphabet
  22. Commemorate
  23. Accommodation
  24. Balloon
  25. achieve