AFS Librarian And NTT Recruitment 2022 एयर फोर्स स्कूल की भर्ती में करें निशुल्क आवेदन

वायु सेना स्कूल अंबाला में लाइब्रेरियन और एनटीटी के पद के लिए नोटिस रिक्तियां उम्मीदवार अपना आवेदन सभी प्रासंगिक प्रमाण पत्र की फोटोकॉपी के साथ संपर्क विवरण के साथ ईमेल पते सहित ‘प्रिंसिपल एयर फोर्स स्कूल अंबाला, एलेक्जेंड्रा रोड, अंबाला कैंट – 133001’ को भेज सकते हैं। डाक द्वारा केवल नवीनतम 02 सितंबर 22। आवेदन पत्र वायु सेना स्कूल अंबाला की स्कूल वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध है। आवेदन वाले लिफाफे पर ‘एयर फोर्स स्कूल अंबाला में एनटीटी/लाइब्रेरियन के पद के लिए आवेदन’ लिखा होना चाहिए।



( a ) Mandatory Qualifications :

( 1 ) Senior Secondary with Nursery Teachers Training diploma or diploma in Nursery / Montessori / Pre – Primary Teachers Training or Diploma in Elementary Education from a Govt recognised institution . While candidates with higher qualifications may apply , preference is to be given to candidates with diploma in Nursery / Montessori Training .


( c ) ( ii ) Should be in the age group of 21 to 50 years as on 01 July of the academic year in which the post is being filled .

( iii ) Women candidates and physically challenged candidates will be given age relaxation upto a maximum of five years .

( iv ) Ex – servicemen candidates who have put in not less than six months of continuous service in the Army , Navy or the Air Force shall be allowed to deduct the period of such service from their actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for the post by more than three years , they shall be deemed to have satisfied . the condition regarding age limit . Such ex – servicemen candidates , if selected for the post , will also retire from the School as per rules of the Society .

( v ) Candidates with at least two years continuous service as a PGT / TGT / PRT / or three years as NTT in any Air Force School but presently not working in an Air Force School , will be given age relaxation upto the extent of such service rendered in Air Force School .

( vi ) Should be able to read , write and communicate fluently in English .

Desirable Qualifications : ( 1 ) ( ii ) Basic knowledge of computer applications , especially MS Office . Should be able to read / write / communicate in Hindi .

( iii ) Experience in art , craft , cartoon , caricature , puppet making , music , dance etc Pay Scale : 12500-400-16500 – EB – 500-21500

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Note : ( a ) University degree in Library Science or graduate with one year diploma in Library Science from a Govt . recognised institution .

( b ) Should be in the age group of 25 to 50 years as on 01 July of the academic year in which the post is being filled .

( c ) Women candidates and physically challenged candidates will be given age relaxation upto a maximum of five years .

( d ) Ex – servicemen candidates who have put in not less than six months of continuous service in the Army , Navy or the Air Force shall be allowed to deduct the period of such service from their actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for the post by more than three years , they shall be deemed to have satisfied the condition regarding age limit . Such ex servicemen candidates , if selected for the post , will also retire from the School as per rules of the Society .

( e ) Candidates with at least two years continuous service in any Air Force School but presently not working in an Air Force School , will be given age relaxation upto the extent of such service rendered in Air Force School , subject to a maximum of two years . Serving staff of the School who apply for the post will also be eligible for the same . ( f ) Should be able to read , write and communicate fluently in English and Hindi . ( g )

( h ) Basic knowledge of computer applications , especially MS Office .

Pay Scale 25000-700-32000 – EB – 950-41500 . No other allowance like HRA , LTC , CCA , TPT Allowance etc shall be admissible .

How To Apply

Apply Offline through Application And Send to AFS School.

NOTICE VACANCIES FOR THE POST OF LIBRARIAN AND NTT AT AIR FORCE SCHOOL AMBALA Candidates can send their application along with photocopies of all relevant certificate with contact details including e – mail address to ‘ Principal Air Force School Ambala , Alexandra Road , Ambala Cantt – 133001 ‘ by post only latest 02 Sep 22. The application form is available on the school website of Air Force School Ambala . The envelope containing application must be super scribed with ‘ APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF NTT / LIBRARIAN AT AIR FORCE SCHOOL AMBALA ‘

Important Links

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