DAV PUBLIC SCHOOLS MP ZONE Recruitment 2022 Apply Online Fot PRT TGT PGT LIBrarian LDC UDC LAB Assistant

DAV PUBLIC SCHOOLS, MP ZONE Recuitment 2022 DAV Public Schoals, MP Zone require the following persoanel for various schools under MP Zone as per details given below Teaching staff As PRT TGT PGT ( All Subject) & Non- Teaching :- Librarian, Assistant, UDC & LDC for Schools under MP Zone

Candidates have to give Option/Choice for one particular school as mentioned above. Candidates would be selected only on their performance for these schools as per Qualification: –

For 21 schools as per their requirements :

Vacancy for Schools:-

Group A:- JPVDAV Public School Katni,DAV Calderys Katni,DAV Kuteshwar,DAV Kymore,DAV HCL Malajkhand,DAV Burhar,DAV BORL Bina, DAV NMDC Panna, DAV Gyanodaya Vidya Mandir Damoh,DAV SRT Public School Rehli, DAV Public School Barhi.

Group B:- DAV Dudhichua,DAV Nigahi,DAV Amlohri,DAV CWS Jayant, DAV Jhingurda, DAV Waidhan, DAV Arya Samaj Singrauli ,DAV Suryavihar,DAV Krishnavihar,DAV NCL Public School Gorbi Block B.

Essential Qualifications

Applications are invited for the various posts of Teaching staff for different DAV PUBLIC SCHOOLS – MP ZONE

Teaching Staff:

PGT TGT PRT ( Almost All subject ) Check qualification details in detailed Notification Dwonload Link is given below.

Non – Teaching :

MISCELLANEOUS / NON TEACHING LibrarianNetwork Assistant, UDC, LDC, Lab Assistant (Physics,Chemistry, Biology & Computer Science)

Librariau: M.L.I.S.B.L.IS LDC :Gradhuation with Knowledge of Typing and Computer (MS Office adeast).

UDC: Graduation with Knowledge of Typing and Computer.

Network Assistant: Gradsate (preferably in Science) with Computer Hardware Knowledge alongwith a Diploma in Networking and dealing with the job of Computer Lab. maintenance and Networking ect

Lab.Assistant( Phy .Chem.Bio.) : 10+2 with Science with at least 50% marks in Senior Secondary Exam in the aggregate It is desirable that he/she is B.Sc He/She must also possess working knowledge of Computer. Lab Assistant (Computer Science): 10+2 with 50% marks in Senior Secondary Exam in the aggregate and related knowledge. It is desirable that the candidate is B. Sc with Computer Science

How to Apply

NOTE:- No TADA is admisaible.

A non-refundabie Test fee of Rs.300- only is to be paid by the applicant,fthrough online mode at the time of applying 13)After successful submission of online application, candidates must take a printout of the application form tor submitting the same along with the requisite documents, Passport Size Photographs duly self- attested, as and when called for by the School after the conduct of Written Examination.(4) Contractual appoinments may also be considered without CTET/STET.

Salary as per * pay commission as applicable in the con cerned school for Regular appointments only.

Candidates are required to apply for onty one post, applications made for more than one post, will lead to rejection of all the applications of that incumbant Age must be below 35 years as on 15-03 2022.40 years if a canndidate having minimum elyed pruduction of an experience certificate at the time of Interview ) .

Before start of filling-up of application through on-line mode, the candidate should keep ready, the following details/ documents:

Valid E-mail ID & Mobile Number. Scanned copy of the recent passport size color Photograph (not older than 3 months). Candidates should ensure that the same photograph is used throughout this recruitment process. Scanned signature.

Important Date

Last date for submission of online applications is 15-03-2022. Interested candidates may apply online on of recognized school may be sidered after Assistant Regional Officer DAV Public Schools,MP Zone

Important Links

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