Dseu Librarian/Assistant Librarian Recruitment 2023 Walk In Interview

Dseu Librarian/Assistant Librarian Recruitment 2023 : DSEU invites applications from interested eligible candidates suitable for Empanelment for Visiting/Guest Faculty and Other Academic Staff (on Part-Time basis) for various Diploma, Undergraduate and Post Graduate Programmes. The candidates will be engaged for assignments from the panel only after assessing the load during the semester to meet the shortfall of faculty /Other Academic Staff in DSEU. The applicant should have passion for teaching, be agile in his/her approach, enjoy student interaction, networking with the industry partners and familiar with the emerging trend related to skill development. the tentative list of programmes for which empanelment of Visiting/Guest Faculty/Other Academic Staff (on Part-Time basis) is required:’

Dseu Librarian/Assistant Librarian Qualifications

The eligibility Criteria for the positions are as under:
Eligibility Criteria/Qualification: Master’s Degree in Library Science/ Information
Science/ Documentation Science or an Equivalent Professional Degree with at least First Class or equivalent and a consistently good academic record with knowledge of computerization of library.
b. Qualifying in the National Level Test conducted for the purpose by UGC or other equivalent test as approved
by the UGC.

Dseu Librarian/Assistant Librarian Salary

Librarian/Assistant Librarian Salary : Rs.200/- per hour with a maximum ceiling of Rs.35000/- per month whichever is the

How TO Apply

In case of any query, the candidate may enquire at email id recruitment@dseu.ac.in
The Candidate should reach the venue as mentioned in Table A before 9:30 AM on the day of Interview for registration.

Walk-in-Interview Date : 01.02.2023
Venue for Walk-in-InterviewDSEU Head Quarter Dwarka Campus
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