DSSSB NTT Assistant Nursery Teacher Recruitment 2022 दिल्ली में निकली नर्सरी टीचर की भर्ती

DSSSB Assistant Nursery Teacher vacancy 2022, Download full notification, Age,Qualification, Syllabus, DSSSB NTT 2022 One tier exam Nursery Teacher new vacancy in DSSSB, Download full notification Out for Assistant Nursery vacancy in dssb, DSSSB NTT Qualifications, DSSSB Librarian age limit 2022, DSSSB Librarian Vacancy 2022, DSSSB Librarian Recruitment 2022 All Information Given below. डीएसएसएसबी में 04 पदों पर होगी NTT भर्ती , इस भर्ती की आयु, योग्यता, परीक्षा पैटर्न, आदि की संपूर्ण जानकारी नीचे दी गई है। LAST Date for online Application form is 18 November 2022, Post code is 38/22,

DSSSB Assistant Nursery Teacher Qualifications

Essential Assistant Nursery Teacher Qualifications:-

  1. Senior Secondary School (Class Twelve) certificate or Intermediate or its
  2. equivalent with at least 45% marks from a recognized Board/University Diploma/Certificate in Nursery Teacher Education programme of a duration of not less than two years or B.Ed. (Nursery from a recognized Institute. 3. Must have passed Hindi at secondary level.

NOTE “The candidates not having essential qualification as exactly mentioned in the Recruitment Rules of the concerned post need not apply.”

Desirable:- Nil 

Experience:- Essential:- Nil. 

Desirable:- Nil. 

Guest/Contract Teachers:- Relaxation in upper age as a onetime measure up to the actual time spent as contractual employee of the same department, subject to a maximum of 5 years provided they have worked for at least 120 working days in that particular year as per Services Department letter/circular No F 19(11)/2015/S-IV/1751-1756 dated 11/06/2019.

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DSSSBAssistant Nursery Teacher Eligiblity

Pay Level 6, 35400-112400/- (pre-revised 9300-34800/- + Grade Pay 4200/-) Group: ‘B’ Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial

Age Limit:- Not Exceeding 30 years,

DSSSB Assistant Nursery Teacher Minimum Passing Marks

Applicants of the post Librarian must have to qualify in Section A & B separately as per their category
(UR/OBC/SC/ST/PwD/ExSm) minimum qualifying marks. However, final merit will be prepared on the basis of
aggregate marks of both the section A & B (pls. refer notices dated 28/07/2017 & 03/01/2020 available on the
website of the Board).

Negative Marking will be applicable and deduction of 0.25 marks will be made for each wrong MCQ answer.
The minimum qualifying marks for one Tier/Two Tier written examination (Objective/Descriptive Type) is as under
(pls. refer notice No. F.4(130)/P&P/13/DSSSB/20-33 dated 26/04/2013 available on the website of the Board):-
 General :40%
 OBC (Delhi) :35%
 SC/ST/PH (PwD) :30%
Ex-servicemen will be given 5% relaxation in their respective categories subject to a minimum of 30%.

The Board reserves its right to prescribe a minimum cut off mark for any post as per availability of candidates.

अगर आपने राजस्थान लाइब्रेरियन भर्ती की तैयारी की है, तो आपको दिल्ली लाइब्रेरियन भर्ती में भी काफी सहायता होगी क्योंकि उसमें जो जो प्रश्न आएंगे वह भी लाइब्रेरी साइंस से ही आएंगे |तो आप इस फॉर्म को भी भर सकते हैं जिससे कि आपको और ज्यादा मुंह के मिल सके लाइब्रेरियन बनने के लिए ,लाइब्रेरियन से जुड़ी अच्छी पाठ्य सामग्री पाने के लिए आप मेरे यूट्यूब चैनल से जुड़ सकते हैं
यूट्यूब चैनल का नाम है : it is neha Educator

NTT भर्ती की जानकारी के लिए इस वेबसाइट पेज पर देखे इस महीने की सारी भर्तियां : Link

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