IIT JODHPUR  VACANCY 2021 Notification, Qualification, Age Limit, Syllabus

Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur

IIT, JODHPUR  VACANCY Notification 2021

   Recruitment for various Non-teaching positions The details of  vacant posts are indicated below:

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Librarian Ongoing Recruitments All over India 

  IIT JODHPUR Recruitment 2021 vacancy Notification Online form Recruitment 2021 : 

IIT, Jodhpur  ने भर्ती का नोटिफिकेशन जारी कर दिया है इस भर्ती में    के लिए नोटिफिकेशन जारी किया है इन पदों के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन शुुुरूू हो चुके ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने की अंतिम तिथि  है पदों के लिए योग्यता आयु सीमा ने संपूर्ण जानकारी नीचे दी गई है


 1 Senior Library Information Assistant

 2 Junior Assistant 

3 Junior Technical Assistant 

4 Junior Technical Assistant 

5 Junior Technical Assistant 

6 Junior Technical Assistant

 7 Junior Technical Assistant

 8 Junior Technical Assistant 

9. Junior Technical Assistant 

10 Junior Technical Assistant 

11 Junior Technical Assistant

 12 Junior Technical Assistant

 13 Junior Technical Assistant 

14 Junior Technical Assistant

Senior Library & Information Assistant (Library) [Post Code -3701]

Essential Qualification:

(1) Post Graduate Degree in Library Science from a recognized University.

(2) At least 2 years experience in computerization in a Library of repute.

Desirable Qualifications:

(1) Higher academic qualification and/ or experience

(2) Knowledge of Library automation & networking

(3) Should have computer literacy and experience of working with computer office applications

2 Junior Assistant (Administration) [Post Code -3702]

Essential Qualification:

(1) Bachelor’s degree in any discipline.

(2) At least 2 year relevant experience in office administration.

Desirable Qualifications:

(1) Should have computer literacy and experience of working with computer office applications

(2) Experience in handling Establishment, Legal, Purchase, Import, Accounts and Audit matters

3 Junior Technical Assistant (Mechanical Engineering) [Post Code -3703]

Essential Qualifications:

(1) M.Tech. or M.E. or M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering.


B.Tech. or B.E. or B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering.


Diploma in Engineering of 3 years duration in Mechanical Engineering from a State Board

(2) At least 2 years relevant experience & exposure in handling lab equipment related to:

i. Heat Transfer, Thermal Engineering, Fluid Mechanics, Compressible Fluid Flows, IC Engine, Automotive

Propulsion, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Dynamics, Vibration & Control, Manufacturing

Technology (Machining, Casting, Welding, CNC)

Desirable Qualifications:

(1) Should have computer literacy and experience of working with computer office applications

4 Junior Technical Assistant (Electrical Engineering) [Post Code -3704]

Essential Qualifications:

(1) M.Tech. or M.E. or M.Sc. in Electronics & Communication/Instrumentation/Electrical Engineering.


B.Tech. or B.E. or B.Sc. in Electronics & Communication/Instrumentation/Electrical Engineering.


Diploma in Engineering of 3 years duration in Electronics & Communication/Instrumentation/Electrical

Engineering from a State Board

(2) At least 2 years relevant experience in the following field:

i. Communication

ii. Electronic Circuit Design, VLSI

iii. Digital Circuits and Embedded Systems

iv. Electronics/Instrumentation

Desirable Qualifications:

(1) Should have computer literacy and experience of working with computer office applications

5 Junior Technical Assistant (Bioscience & Bioengineering) [Post Code -3705]

Essential Qualifications:

(1) M.Tech. or M.E. or M.Sc. in Biomaterials/Biochemical Engineering/Bioinstrumentation/ Biochemistry.


B.Tech. or B.E. or B.Sc. in Biomaterials/Biochemical Engineering/Bioinstrumentation/ Biochemistry.


Diploma in Engineering of 3 years duration in Biomaterials/Biochemical Engineering/ Bioinstrumentation/

Biochemistry from a State Board

(2) At least 2 years relevant experience.

Desirable Qualifications:

(1) Should have computer literacy and experience of working with computer office applications

…………………….For Other Post CHeck In Detailed Notification . ( DOWNLOAD Link Is Below. )


Application Fee -: Applicants have to pay a non-refundable application fee of Rs. 250 for all positions. Persons from the SC, ST, PwD, Ex-Servicemen, Women and EWS categories are not required to pay application fee.

Age Relaxation -: Age, qualification and experience will be calculated on the closing date of online submission of applications. Relaxation in age to SC, ST, OBC, PwD & Ex-Serviceman would be admissible as per Central Government Rules.


The applicants are required to apply only through ONLINE process up to 11 May, 2021 till 23:59 Hrs with attachment of 

all required documents, failing which candidature will not be considered.

Online application shall be followed by forwarding of Hardcopy of the application along with duly self-

attested copies of all requisite documents of educational qualification(s), caste/disability, experience etc. 

The same must reach at below mentioned address on or before 20 May, 2021 through Speed/Registered 

Post only. The envelope containing complete application should be super-scribed “Advt. No. and 

Application for the post of _______________________ [Post Code & Category]”. Hard copy application  with above mentioned documents received after last date shall render the application to be summarily


The online application will start on – :12.04.2021 and

 will close on 11.05.2021.

The last date of receiving hardcopy of applications is 20.05.2021.

Librarian Ongoing Recruitments All over India 

Application Form -: Apply Now

Website-: Click

ऑफिशियल नोटिफिकेशन डाउनलोड करने के लिए नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करें 

                   DOWNLOAD NOTIFICATION


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