Library Trainee Recruitment 2022 At NIT

Library Trainee Recruitment 2022: Advt. No. NITW/LIB/ Library Trainee/2022-2023 National Institute of Technology Warangal, an Institute of National importance under the Ministry of Education, Government of India is looking for qualified Indian
Nationals to be engaged as Library Trainees (6 positions). The eligibility criteria and other terms and conditions are mentioned as below:

Vacancy Details

Number of positions: 6 (Six)
Essential Qualification: First Class M.L.I.Sc. from any recognized University.
Desirable Qualification: Knowledge of computer data processing
Preferable Experience: Preference will be given to candidates Agehave some previous experience of working in a Technical Library.
Stipend: Rs.15000/-
Period of Engagement: Initially the engagement would be for a period of one year only. The engagement is likely to be extended for a maximum period of one more year (1+1= Total 2 years) based on the satisfactory review of performance/ requirement of the Institute. General terms and other information:

Fresh Post Graduates of M.L.I.Sc. (2020 to 2022) are encouraged to apply for Library Training Programme- Central Library.
Duly filled in application form along with self-attested photocopies of certificates in support of educational qualifications such as mark sheets of all semesters, degree, community certificate (in case of SC/ST/OBC non-creamy layer) crossed
demand draft to the value of Rs.100/- (no fee for SC/ST/PH category candidates) drawn in favor of Director, NIT, Warangal, super-scribing on envelope “
Application for Library Trainees” should be sent to the Registrar, National Institute of Technology, Warangal – 506 004 (TS)

Age Limit

Maximum age limit is 28 years for unreserved candidates. Age relaxation of 3 years for OBC and 5 years for SC/ST category as on the last date of receipt of applications is admissible.

Important Links

The last date for receipt of duly filled application form along with certified copies in supporting documents is up to 28-10-2022 For application format, please visit the Institute Website:

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