(An Autonomous Body under Department of Science & Technology, Government of India) Koramangala,बेंगलूरु BENGALURU -560034
Advt. No. IIA/30/2022/Dated :20.12.2022
Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) is an Autonomous academic National Institution
under Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India dedicated to research in Astronomy,
Astrophysics and Allied Sciences & Technology. The Institute has its main campus in
Koramangala, Bangalore and CREST Campus at Hosakote, Bangalore. It operates field stations
at Kavalur& Kodaikanal in Tamilnadu, Gauribidanur in Karnataka, and Leh/Hanle in Union
Territory of Ladakh.
The Institute offers training in the Library, which includes the hands on training in the
state-of-the-art library techniques and services.
Online applications are invited from fresh post graduates who are highly motivated to
pursue their career for the following position:
Name of the position : LIBRARY TRAINEE
No. of position : 04 (Four)
Age limit : 26 years
Remuneration : Rs. 30,000/- per month (Consolidated)
Place of Posting : Bengaluru/Kodaikanal
Essential Qualification : Post-graduate in Library & Information Science (M.L.I.Sc.)
from a reputed University/Institution. Students who have appeared for the final exam and
awaiting results may also apply.

Desirable Qualification : Basic knowledge of computer and working knowledge of any
library automation management (Koha, Evergreen, etc.), institutional repository software
(DSpace, Eprints, etc.), archives management software (ArchivesSpace, Atom, etc.), research
data management software (CKAN, Figshare, etc.) content management software (Drupal,
WordPress, etc.). Above 60% academic performance throughout and UGC-NET qualification for

Candidates meeting the above requirements and willing to be considered for the
above said position may submit application through online only. Candidates are
required to upload their scanned Curriculum Vitae (CV), Date of Birth Proof, Educational
Qualification, Experience and Community Certificates in the online application.

Misrepresentation or falsification of facts detected at any stage of the selection process or instances of misconduct/misbehavior at any stage during selection process shall result in cancellation of candidature without any notice and no correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
The last date for receiptof online application is 20.01.2023 at 17:30 hours.
For registration, please visit: