NIDM Recruitment For 2021 Notification, Qualification, Age Limit, Syllabus
NIDM National Institute of Disaster ManagemenVACANCY Notification 2021
NIDM invites applications for various vacant posts. The details of vacant posts are indicated below:
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Librarian Ongoing Recruitments All over India
NIDM Recruitment 2021 vacancy Notification Online form Recruitment 2021 :
NIDM ने भर्ती का नोटिफिकेशन जारी कर दिया है इस भर्ती में LIBRARIAN के लिए नोटिफिकेशन जारी किया है इन पदों के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन शुुुरूू हो चुके ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने की अंतिम तिथि 18 /03/ 2021 है पदों के लिए योग्यता आयु सीमा ने संपूर्ण जानकारी नीचे दी गई है
Consultant (Hostel Management)-:
Graduate from a recognized Board/Institution
Minimum 5 years of working experience as Hostel in-charge/warden in reputed
Excellent Communication (both English and Hindi) and interpersonal skills.
Knowledge of Computer Application including MS-Office, Internet, Email etc.
Prior working experience in Govt./Training Institute/Disaster Management.
Maximum Age
55 years
Rs. 50,000/- (Consolidated)
Jr. Consultant (Records Management)
Graduate from a recognized University/Institution.
Minimum 2 years of experience in managing records (including files, documents
etc.) of a reputed organization.
Excellent communication (both English and Hindi) and interpersonal skills.
Knowledge of Computer Application including MS-Office, Internet, Email etc.
Prior working experience in Govt./Training Institute/Disaster Management.
Maximum Age
62 years
Rs. 37,500/- per month (Rs. 35,000/- + Rs. 2,500/- (local conveyance))
Jr. Consultant (Hostel Management)
Graduate from a recognized Board/Institution
Minimum 2 years of working experience as Hostel in-charge/warden in reputed
Excellent Communication (Hindi, English & Telugu) and interpersonal skills.
Knowledge of Computer Application including MS-Office, Internet, Email etc.
Prior working experience in Govt./Training Institute/Disaster Management.
Maximum Age
55 years
Rs. 37,500/- per month (Rs. 35,000/- + Rs. 2,500/- (local conveyance))
Jr. Consultant (Campus Management)
Jr. Consultant (IT)
Graduate in Computer Applications/ Science or Bachelor of Technology/
Engineering from a recognized University/Institution
Minimum 2 years of experience in handling IT equipments & services viz.
Hardware, Software, Networking, Procurement, Maintenance, Disposal etc.
Excellent communication (Hindi, English & Telugu) and interpersonal skills.
Prior working experience in Govt./Training Institute/Disaster Management.
Maximum Age
40 years
Rs. 37,500/- per month (Rs. 35,000/- + Rs. 2,500/- (local conveyance))
Jr. Consultant (Library)
Post Graduate in Library Science from a recognized University/Institution.
Minimum 2 years of working experience in Library of reputed organization.
Excellent communication (Hindi, English & Telugu) and interpersonal skills.
Knowledge of Computer Application including MS-Office, Internet, Email etc.
Prior working experience in Govt./Training Institute/Disaster Management.
Maximum Age
40 years
Rs. 37,500/- per month (Rs. 35,000/- + Rs. 2,500/- (local conveyance))
Jr. Consultant (Admin & Accounts)
(Full Detailed Notification Download link is below)
Applications are invited for the following positions
Consultant (Hostel Management) Jr. Consultant (Records Management) Jr. Consultant (Hostel Management) Jr. Consultant (Campus Management) Jr. Consultant (IT) Jr. Consultant (Library) Jr. Consultant (Admin & Accounts)
The detailed terms of reference for the above positions and prescribed format of
application are enclosed.
3. Interested candidates may send their application in the prescribed format with
superscription “Application for the post of _______________” on the envelope.
Application should be addressed to The Executive Director, National Institute of
Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, A-wing, 4th floor, NDCC-II
Building, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi – 110001 and must reach latest by 18.03.2021.
4. Soft copy of the application may also be sent through email at
Librarian Ongoing Recruitments All over India
Website-: Click
ऑफिशियल नोटिफिकेशन डाउनलोड करने के लिए नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करें
CLIS , DLIS ,BLIS, BLIB, MLIS योग्यता वालो के लिए भर्तियां 🔥🔥🔥
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