NIOHKOL Recruitment 2021 Notification VACANCY 2021  Qualification,

National Institute for Locomotor Disabilities (Divyangjan) RECRUITMENT NOTIFICATION

National Institute for Locomotor Disabilities  VACANCY Notification 2021


  Recruitment for Various post The details of  vacant posts are indicated below:

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the posts of
Employment Notification for Academic and Non Academic Posts at NILD Kolkata Employment Notification for Academic and NonAcademic Posts at NILD Kolkata …

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 Ongoing Recruitments All over India 

 National Institute for Locomotor Disabilities 2021 vacancy Notification Online form Recruitment 2021 : 





1. Associate Professor (Occupational Therapy)-01 (UR) By Direct/Deputation

Pay Matrix Level-12 , Age Below 50 years.

Educational Qualifications:- Post Graduate Degree in OT with at least 55% marks of an equivalent grade in a

point scale (wherever grading system is followed) from a recognized University.

Experience:- 11 years of teaching experience (including 5 years as Assistant Professor in relevant field) from

a recognized Institution/College/ University.

Desirable: – Ph. D in the relevant field.

Deputation: – Deputation Officers of the Central/ State Govt./Autonomous bodies.

1). Holding analogous posts on regular basis Or 2). With five years regular services in the grade of Assistant

Professor OT in the PB-3 Rs.15,600-39,100/- GP Rs.6600/- or equivalent in a recognized Institution/College/


02 Associate Professor (Orthopaedics)-01 (UR) By Direct/Deputation

Pay Matrix Level-12 , Age Below 40 years.

Educational Qualifications & Experience :- M.S. (Orthopaedics) or Diplomate National Board (Ortho.) (i) As

Assistant Professor / Sr. Lecturer in Orthopaedics for four years in a recognized medical college (in case of

Direct Recruitment, 6 yrs. teaching and / or research experience after obtaining the post graduate degree

qualifications). Desirable: -(ii) Minimum of four research publications indexed in index Medicus /National Journals.

Deputation:- Deputation Officers of the Central/State Govt./Autonomous bodies. (1). Holding analogous

posts on regular basis Or (2). With five years regular services in the grade of Assistant Professor

(Orthopaedic) in the PB-3 G.P. Rs.6600/- or equivalent in a recognized Institution/College/ University.

03 Assistant Professor (Rehabilitation)-01 (UR) By Direct/Deputation

Pay Matrix Level-11, Age below 40 years.

Educational Qualifications: – PG in Sociology/ Social Work / Psychology with Ph. D. in the field of disability /


Experience: – Five years teaching experience in the subject in a recognized Institution.

Deputation:- Deputation Officers of the Central / State Govt. / Autonomous bodies.

1. Holding analogous posts on regular basis Or

2. With five years regular services in the Grade Pay Rs.5400/- or equivalent in a recognized


04 Resident Medical Officer-01 (OBC) By Direct/Deputation

Pay Matrix Level-10, Age below 35 years.

Educational qualifications: – MBBS from any recognized University.

Experience:- In Anesthesiology/ Orthopaedics/ Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation / Psychiatry. 

05 Lecturer (Prosthetics)-01 (UR) By Direct / Deputation.

Pay Matrix Level-10, Age below 35 years.

Educational Qualifications:- Post Graduate Degree in Prosthetics & Orthotics from an Institution/ University

recognized by RCI

Experience:- A minimum of 2 years of teaching in any Prosthetics & Orthotics Rehabilitation Institution

recognized by RCI.

Desirable: – (i) Ph. D in the relevant field. (ii) 3 publications. Deputation:- From the post of Demonstrator(Prosthetics/Orthotics) in the PB-2 , GP Rs. 4200/- having eight years of

regular service.

06 Lecturer (Orthotics)-01 (UR) By Direct / Deputation.

Pay Matrix Level-10, Age below 35 years.

Educational Qualifications:- Post Graduate Degree in Prosthetics & Orthotics from an Institution/ University

recognized by RCI

Experience:- A minimum of 2 years of teaching in any Prosthetics & Orthotics Rehabilitation Institution

recognized by RCI.

Desirable:- (i) Ph. D in the relevant field. (ii) 3 publications. Deputation:- From the post of Demonstrator(Prosthetics/Orthotics) in the PB-2 , GP Rs.4200/- having eight years of

regular service

07 Lecturer (SER)-01 (UR) By Direct / Deputation.

Pay Matrix Level-10, Age below 35 years.

Educational Qualifications: – PG in concerned field (Social Sciences) with Ph. D in disability / rehabilitation


Experience. Five years teaching experience in the subject in a recognized Institute.

Deputation:- Deputation Officers of the Central/ State Govt./Autonomous bodies.

1. Holding analogous posts on regular basis Or

2. With five years regular services in the Grade Pay Rs.4600/- or equivalent in a recognized


08 Staff Nurse-01(ST) By Direct / Deputation.

Pay Matrix Level-07, Age below 30 years.

Educational qualifications & Experience:- 1) Diploma in General Nursing & Midwifery from a recognized

University / Institution with three years experience. 2) Registered as Nurse and Midwife under Indian

Nursing Council Act 1947 / any State Nursing Council.

Preference: – B. Sc. (Nursing) / Post Basic Diploma in Ortho. & Rehab. Nursing.

Deputation:- Deputation Officers of the Central/ State Govt./Autonomous bodies. (1) Holding analogous

posts on regular basis in a recognized Institution/College/University.

09 Librarian-01 (UR) By Direct / Deputation.

Pay Matrix Level-06, Age Below 30 years.

Educational qualifications & Experience:- Master’s Degree in Library Science or equivalent qualifications

with 03 years working experience and good working knowledge of Library Software applications.

Desirable:- 1). Knowledge in Hindi. 2). Experience in handling publications dealing with Science &


Deputation:- Deputation Officers of the Central/ State Govt./Autonomous bodies.

1. Holding analogous posts on regular basis Or

2. With five years regular services in the Grade Pay Rs.2800/- or equivalent in a recognized Institution/


10 Demonstrator (Prosthetics)-01 (UR) By Direct / Deputation.

Pay Matrix Level-06, Age below 30 years

Educational Qualification: – Degree in Prosthetics & Orthotics from a recognized Institute.

Experience :- 03 Years experience as Prosthetist and Orthotist in a recognized institution/


Desirable :- Master in Prosthetics & Orthotics

Deputation:- Deputation Officers of the Central/ State Govt./Autonomous bodies. (1) Holding analogous

posts on regular basis Or 2. With six years regular service in the grade of Junior Prosthetist & Orthotist in a

recognized Institution/ College/University.

11 Stenographer Grade-III -01 (UR) By Direct / Deputation

Pay Matrix Level-04 , Age below 27 years.

Educational qualifications: – Graduate with 80 wpm in Shorthand and 30 wpm in typing. Or Graduate with

100/40 wpm in shorthand and typewriting respectively.

Experience: – Two years experience as steno-typist.

Desirable :- Computer Application

Deputation:- Deputation Officers of the Central/ State Govt./Autonomous bodies. (1) Holding analogous

posts on regular basis.

12 Surgical Boot maker Gr-III-01(UR) Anticipated Vacancy By Direct Recruit

Pay Matrix Level-02, Age below 27 years.

Educational qualifications & Experience:- Matriculation or its equivalent with I.T.I. in Leather Goods

maker Or certificate course in Prosthetics & Orthotics with experience in Leather works/including footwear.

13 Lower Division Clerk-01 (SC) By Direct Recruit

Pay Matrix Level-02, Age below 27 years.

Educational qualifications :- 1) Higher Secondary or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board or


2) A typing speed 30 wpm in English or 25 wpm in Hindi or manual typewriter or a typing speed of 35 wpm

in English or 30 wpm in Hindi on Computer. (35 wpm and 30 wpm correspond to 10500 KDPH/9000 KDPH

on an average of key depressions for each word)

Librarian Ongoing Recruitments All over India 

Application Fee : Rs.300/- (Rupees Three Hundred Only) is payable by candidates (No fees for SC/ST/Persons with Disabilities

Last Date for submission of online applications = 21/06/2021

How To Apply -: ONLINE/ offline

The Applications duly completed in all respects and signed by the candidates in the prescribed format along with

self attested photocopies of relevant enclosures and other testimonials in respect of qualifications, age proof,

category, experience, salary drawn, etc. should reach to the Director, National Institute for Locomotor

Disabilities (Divyangjan), B.T. Road, Bon-Hooghly, Kolkata-700090 within 30 days from the date of

advertisement in the Employment News. 2. Applications should neatly typed/hand written on A/4 size plain paper as per the prescribed format. All Columns

of the application form should filled up and no column should be left blank.

3. Applications received through e-mail/late/incomplete will not be considered and the Institute will not be

responsible for any postal delay.

Application Form :Apply Now

Website-: Click

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