RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT UTPADAN NIGAM Bharti 2021, Official Notification Online Application

RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT UTPADAN NIGAM LTD, Recruitment of Junior Engineers – I , Junior Chemists & Informatics Assistants in State Power Companies of Rajasthan.

 RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT UTPADAN NIGAM LTD Vacancy 2021, राजस्थान  विद्युत विभाग ने 1295 पदों पर भर्ती का का नोटिफिकेशन जारी कर दिया गया है राजस्थान विद्युत विभाग भर्ती का नोटिफिकेशन जारी ऑनलाइन फॉर्म 24 फरवरी से 22 मार्च 2021 तक भरे जाएंगे | 
भर्ती की संपूर्ण जानकारी और ऑफिशियल नोटीफिकेशन, आवेदन लिंक नीचे दिए गए है ,
RUVN Recruitment 2020 : 
Junior Chemist
Candidate must hold two years’ full time Post Graduation Degree in Chemistry or
four years’ full time Graduation Degree in Chemical Engineering.
The candidate must hold Full Time fou
r years’ Graduation Degree in
Engineering as a regular student
Informatics Assistant: 
Graduate or higher full time degree in Computer Science/ Computer Engineering/
Computer Applications/ Computer Science & Engineering/ Electronics/ Electronics
& Communication/ Information Technology or equivalent of a University
established by law in Indi

Salary -: 
Junior Engineer-I L-10 Rs. 23,700/- pm Rs. 33,800/- pm
 Junior Chemist L-10 Rs. 23,700/- pm Rs. 33,800/- pm
 Informatics Assistant L-8 Rs.18,500/- pm Rs., 26,300/- pm
Application Fee-:
(a) UR (Gen)/EWS if annual income of family is
Rs.2.50 lakh or more
(Including GST)
(b) UR (Gen)/EWS if annual income of family is less
than Rs.2.50 lakh/SC/ST/BC/MBC/ PWBD(PH)
(Including GST)
Selection procedure and preparation of Merit
1. Computer based “common written competitive exam” shall be conducted through Online
mode. The Question Paper shall be of two (2) hours duration and shall consist of Objective
Type questions (Multiple Choice Questions) only.
राजस्थान राज्य विद्युत उत्पादन निगम लिमिटेड भर्ती 2021  Online form Start 24/02/2021
 Online form End 16/03/2021 
 Official Notification 
 Online form Link Active