VMOU solved Assignment MAEG -03 ,

 Caroline and Reformation Age


Max Marks: 20

(Very Short Answer Type Questions)


i. What is the benefit of looking beneath the surface, according to the speaker of “A Portrait” in The

School for Scandal?

Answer-: If you look beneath the surface then u will get a different angle of view for everything.

ii. How is “Ode to Evening” a transition poem?


The poem “Ode to Evening” is a transitional poem as it has the elements of a strong tradition of neo-

classicism as well as romanticism.

iii. What does the narrator tell the reader to expect in the story in Moll Flanders?


the narrator tells the reader to expect a story about a woman who has lived a life of sin and crime

but who eventually “dies a Penitent.”

iv. Who are/were among the famous graduates of Eton mentioned in Gray’s Elegy?


Karl Marx, George Orwell, Aldous Huxley,… Are the famous graduates of Eton.


(Short Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any 2 questions. Each answer should not exceed 100 words. Each

question carries 4 marks.


2. Discuss Absalom and Achitophel as an allegory.

3. What is the theme of gossiping in School for Scandal?


Gossiping is a major theme of A School for Scandal. Sheridan shows it as an illness that undermines a

healthy society. People are not born gossips, but when harmed by it, like Lady Sneerwell, retaliate by

maliciously spreading the disease. Those like Lady Candour, who think it is merely fun to gossip,

serve the interests of evil. Gossip, however, can be overcome, as Sir Oliver shows, by testing words

against deeds.

4. What is the relationship between the “I” who narrates the story and Laurence Sterne?


Because there are the narrative used to be the between and narrates the story and Laurence but the

Reason only one of narrative of the were that business management when you get to the absolute

best to keep the same time as well as the first time since narrative don’t think that I have been

important in the plane bailment to get to the son is of the paper work with natural

5. Delineate the development of Moll as a character over the course of the novel.

Section ‘C’

(Long Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any one question. You have to delimit your answer maximum up to 500

words. 1×8=08

6. “All elements of Romanticism can be found in Blake’s Poetry”. Elaborate this statement.

7. Write an essay on the Metaphysical poets of the seventeenth century.

8. Write the critical Appreciation of Blake’s “The Lamb”


The lamb is one of the simplest poems of Blake. The symbolic meaning of it is almost clearly stated in

the poem The Lamb which is probably the most important among the poem of innocence. Here the

symbols of child, lamb and Christ are assimilated each other. The poem begins with a child like

directness and natural world that show none of the signs of grownups.

The poet addresses lamb itself. Lamb is pure, innocent and it is associated with Christ. Being a

visionary Blake invites the reader to world free form reasoning. He describes the lamb as he sees it.

The lamb has been blessed with life and with capacity to drink from the stream and feed from the

meadow. It has been allotted with bright, soft and warm wool which serves as its clothing.

It has a tender voice which fills the valley with joy. The child, too, is an innocent child. Christ was also

a child when he first appeared on this earth as the son of God. The child enjoys the company of the

lamb who is analogous to the child. The poem displays the innocence the joy and affection. The lyric

is counterparts to the tiger. “The Lamb” and “The Tyger” represent the two contrary states of the

human soul. The lamb represents innocence and humanity whereas the tiger represents a fierce

force within man.

The child asks who made the little lamb in a typical child’s tone, rhythm and diction. The lamb, he

says, has been given the “clothing of delight”, soft and ‘wooly’ clothing, and such a tender voice that

makes all the values rejoice. Besides, God has given the lamb the feet and told it to go and feed itself

by the stream and over the meadow. But in the next stanza, the speaker himself tells the little lamb

that his maker is known by the very name of the lamb. He is also gentle and mild. “I a child and thou

a lamb, we are called by His (Christ’s) name”. We have here a realistic and sympathetic portrait of a

lamb. But, the symbolic meaning goes much deeper. The poem seems that it is based on the biblical

hope that “meek shall inherit the world”.

In the second stanza there’s an identification of the lamb, Christ, and the child. Christ has another

name, that is, lamb, because Christ is meek and mild like lamb. Christ was also a child when he first

appeared on this earth as the son of God. The child shows his deep joy in the company of the lamb

who is just like him, meek and mild. Even on its surface level the poem conveys the very spirit of

childhood the purity, the innocence, the tenderness, as well as the affection that a child feels for

little creatures like the lamb. There are also overtones of Christian symbolism suggested by Christ as

a child. The pastoral setting is also another symbol of innocence and joy.

The lamb has got not ordinary clothes but clothes of “delight”; this is the first indication of the

symbolic meaning in this poem. The lamb itself is a symbol: it stands for the innocent state of the

soul, a dweller of the world of innocence and an emblem of purity, naturalness, and spiritual,

original and natural being. The word ‘wooly’ also reminds of Christ was being born with a soft wooly

hair. The brightness may also be an indication of the halo or shining on the pure being. The voice

could also be the word of Christ or that or the visionary and creative being, the poet and the


• The Lamb is the most representative poem of the poems of ‘innocence’. It tells almost

everything it needs to for making us understand its symbolic theme. The child is a symbol of

innocence, the state of the soul which has not yet been corrupted by the world of

conventionalized pretensions called religion, culture, society and state and other codified

systems. This overtly simple poem also subtly approaches the subject of creativity and the

creator. While the speaker is speaking about a real physical lamb on the surface of it, the

subtext of the poem derives from both Christian and classical mythology. The child is the

symbol of Christ, the physical incarnation of the deity. The fact that it has been sent to feed

among the meadow and along the stream indicates that it is to live by natural, instinctual

means, or the Divine law of the nature. The wooly softness and the brightness that comes

from within also support the divine nature of the lamb symbol. The voice of the lamb is also

equally significant. The child, the lamb and the Christ are all close to the creative being;

creativity is a child like occupation, since it also involves the natural spirit, sense of wonder

and undefiled imagination

MAEG previous Solved Assignments 2020-21 

VMOU MAEG-01 (English Language & Communication Skills) SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS,


 VMOU MAEG-02 (Renaissance  to  Jacobean  Age) SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS,


VMOU MAEG-03 (Caroline and Reformation Age ) SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS,


