What is the difference between diploma and degree ( DSSSB TGT special Educator vacancy 2020)

Today, we will talk about what is the difference between diploma and degree, in the context of DSSSB special Educator vacancy 2020.

If if we pursue any diploma after class 12th, that is called a diploma.

If we pursue any diploma after graduation that is called degree it means the qualification for or degree, required graduation qualification.

यह मैं इसलिए बता रही हूं क्योंकि अभी जो special educator vacancy आई है उसमें कई अभ्यर्थियों को यह लग रहा है कि डिप्लोमा वाले भी इस के योग्य है या फिर केवल डिग्री वाले तो इन सभी सवालों का जवाब आपको मिल गया होगा कि यह जो आप की भर्ती आई है इसमें केवल और केवल जिन लोगों ने डिग्री  कर रखी है वह लोग ही इसके लिए योग्य है |

DSSSB special TGT Educator vacancy 2020 Qualifications -:

. Graduate with B.Ed (Special Education) or B.Ed. with two years
Diploma in Special Education or Post Graduate Professional Diploma
in Special Education.
Any other equivalent qualification approved by the Rehabilitation Council
of India.
2. Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) conducted by the CBSE.