Army public SCHOOL, RECRUITMENT 2021
APS Recruitment 2021 FOR Teaching & Non Teaching Staff
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Army public School Recruitment 2021 – Aps Delhi ने पदों के लिए नई भर्ती का नोटिफिकेशन जारी कर दिया है
ApS ने Teaching & Non Teaching Staff के पदो के लिए नोटीफिकेशन जारी किया है,
Applications are invited as per the following categories on Adhoc basis :-
Name of Post: List of vacancies (Across All APSs)
Sr No. | Subject |
1 | PGT Engllish |
2 | PGT Pol Science |
3 | PGT Chemistry |
4 | TGT English |
5 | TGT Hindi |
6 | TGT Geography |
7 | TGT Science (Physics) |
8 | TGT Maths |
9 | TGT Social Science |
10 | TGT Science |
11 | TGT Sanskrit |
12 | TGT Music |
13 | TGT PET |
14 | TGT Librarian |
15 | TGT Spl Educator |
16 | TGT Counsellor |
17. | TGT Computer Sc. |
18 | PRT English |
19 | PRT Hindi |
20 | PRT Maths |
21 | PRT EVS |
22 | PRT Computer |
23 | PRT Art & Craft |
24 | PRT PET |
25 | PRT Music |
26 | PRT Librarian |
27 | PRT Counsellor |
28 | Asst Teacher |
29 | German (Part Time) |
Age. As on 01 Apr 2021.
(a) Fresher (Less than 5 yrs experience) – Below 40 years
(b) Experienced Candidates. Below 57 years (incl ESM).
# (to avail age relaxation between 40 & 57 years, 5 year experience should be in the appropriate
category in the last 10 years. Experience gained as TGTshall be counted for PGT & experience
gained as PRT will be counted for TGT.
Last date of submission: 02 Aug 2021. (1400hrs)
Shortlisted candidates will be called for the interview by 24 Aug 2021.
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