IIIT Delhi Library Trainee Vacancy 2023, Freshers Can Apply in IIITD, Stipend Upto 20,000rs

IIITD Advertisement for the post of Library Trainee : The Library and Information Center of Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi (IIIT-Delhi) is fully automated using RFID and EM Technology. Library Science Candidates can Apply For This post. Freshers Can Apply For IIITD Library Trainee, Library Trainee Recruitment, Age limit, eligliblity Criteria, How to Apply, Official Notification, All Information Given Below.

IIIT Delhi Library Trainee Qualification

IIIT Delhi Library Trainee Essential Qualification: Master of Library and Information Science (MLISc) from a recognized Institution/University with First Class.
Desired abilities, skills, and knowledge:
 Basic knowledge of Computer fundamentals
 Working knowledge of modern principles & practices of Library and Information Science
 Knowledge of IT Applications in Library and Information Services
 Knowledge of recent trends and technologies in Library and Information Services
 Ability to express ideas clearly and accurately, both orally and in writing
 Ability to perform calculations involving basic arithmetic functions
 Tact and courtesy in dealing with Library users

Telegram ग्रुप से जुड़े,जहां पाए  हर Librarian भर्ती की खबर सबसे पहले…. CLICK TOJOIN NOW

IIIT Delhi Library Trainee Salary

IIIT Delhi Library Trainee Stipend:
Rs.17,000/- per month (consolidated). The revised stipend Rs.20,000/- per month (consolidated) will apply with effect from 01.04.2023.
Duration of Training:The term of appointment will be purely on a temporary basis for 6 months, by performance it
may beextended further for maximum 6 months.

IIIT Delhi Library Trainee Nature of Training

Nature of Training:
Learn while working on different functions & services of the IIIT-Delhi Library and Information Center
Roles and Responsibilities:
 Provide assistance, and guidance to Library users
 Check-in/Check-out of resources (Issue/Return)
 Accessioning, Classification, and Cataloguing of resources
 Technical processing (To paste the Spine labels, Due date slips, RFID tags, Institute’s Sticker, EMtattle tapes, Stamping,etc.)
 Arrange books and periodicals on racks…………..

Age Limit

IIIT Delhi Library Trainee Vacancy 2023 Age Limit: 25 years (as on the last date of application), Check Other Library Science Vacancy in 2023 Near By You, Click Here

Other terms & conditions:

 Selection of trainees will be based on interview/test
 No TA/DA will be given for attending the selection interview/test
 The selected trainees are expected to work six days a week
 The trainees may be assigned shift duty on a rotation basis and may have to work onSaturday, Sunday and holidays as well
 Training/internship certificate will be issued after completion of at least 6 months oftraining/internship at IIIT-Delhi Library and Information Center.

How To Apply

Eligible and interested candidates may please APPLY ONLINE for the above mentioned post latest by 25th January 2023.

Telegram ग्रुप से जुड़े,जहां पाए  हर Librarian भर्ती की खबर सबसे पहले…. CLICK TOJOIN NOW

Important Links

LAST DATE25th January 2023
Application Form Apply Now
Official Websitehttps://iiitd.ac.in/
IIIT Delhi Library Trainee Advertisement 2023Download